Friday, October 24, 2014

Monday Matters #8

This is a cartoon portraying the defects of Obama Care. David Brookes is a republican, and is against Obama's Obamacare.
In this cartoon, Obamacare is shown as an ambulance. It is falling apart, with its wheels flying everywhere. Obama realizes that it actually hurts the economy, but acts as if it is fine!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday Matters #7

David Brooks' synthesis:

David Brooks has spoken actively of the problems of Liberalism, and the necessity of conservatism. In the issues of ISIS, Obama, and the American Economy, Brooks has showed that liberals have a low sense of reality. It is necessary to have order, and economics based on reality, not what is politically correct.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Matters #6

The Sorting Election

The Sorting Election

David Brooks talks about the differences in economic pluralism in the West Coast, and the midterm presidential elections in 2014:

  • Both San Francisco Bay Area and Houston are economically growing exponentially
  • The rise of economic pluralism, but negatively contributing to political segmentation
  • Bay area more for the rich, appealing to the 'hipster' generation
  • Houston appealing to industrial workers
David Brooks, a Republican, is appealing mostly to the conservative audience. Economically, Brooks is in favor of economic diversity. He explains the correlation of how the economic and political state of America is being affected not by the government, but by the people themselves and their desires of life, whether it be raising a family in the child-friendly Bay area, or setting a stepping stone for oneself in industrial prosperity in Houston. The next elections will change!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday matters #5

David Brooks speaks of Lewis Mummford's in-depth view of the liberal morality in politics:

  • Liberals are driven more by emotions
  • Liberals pay attention to scientific and factual evidence, rather than theological and literature texts
  • Emotions and feelings are blinding liberal pragmatists, who see only one side of things
  • Liberal pragmatists are always pacifists when faced with danger

Clearly, we can see in this editorial of who seems to be Brooks' favorite writer, Brooks is on the conservative side of the American political spectrum. One thing that I have noticed of Brooks' writing is that he always begins with some kind of historical allusion. In this case, he refers to the loss of people belonging in a political circle, and more individualistic in their views on politics. Thanks to the internet!! Very well written!!