Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday Matters #20

Jonathan Kozol talks about children and education in America;

  • Children are equal in the eyes of God, but not in America's eyes for some reason
  • Children are brought up as if they have price tags
  • Inner city schools: not enough attention for students, individually
  • While Suburban areas have more time, and balanced. 
  • Teachers are scared in city for the test time and scores
  • NO TIME!!
  • Kids are good at distracting the teacher from the relevant topic
  • The teacher has to unlock what the student loves, fears, hates, for their own well-being
  • The student must grow beyond themsleves!!

Monday Matters #19

How Schools Kill Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson

I actually used this video within my research for the Education paper: 

Ken Robinson explains how schools kill creativity, instead of fostering it:

  • Children are born with creativity
  • Sitting in the desk, no active participation, looses creativity
  • Students are limited in their creativity to what they have to learn
  • No freedom for the child
  • “It seems like the purpose of Public education is to create University professors, as if they are the high point of human achievement...they are just another form of life.”(Robinson)
  • It seems that the present educational system revolves around the university, making it the “temple” of all human achievement.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Matters #18

Connecticut Educator: The keys to success in US Education

  • US education needs to be improved
  • Through INNOVATION
  • Through INVESTMENT
  • Go away from typical factory worker education
  • Make an education that is student centered. 
  • Change focus
  • Democratically, make public education for all
  • Sadly, rich get more funding. Poor get less
  • Needs to change

Monday Matters #17

The great part about this cartoon is that it enfolds the idea, and sort of truth, that looking into colleges is a hell of a bore and anxiety. The truth is, most colleges you realistically want to attend, will accept you. Of course within your limits. This cartoon effectively "scares" the audience of a "beast under the bed", when it is really all in our heads!! (HA!! Did you catch that rhyme??GENIUS)

Monday Matters #16

Within the field of education, have arisen many conflicts and questions that are currently investigated. Some of these questions have been already answered. In the Monday Matters blog posts of 13-15, I researched 3 different articles on education today. All of them circled around one theme: making school better.

 The article from the Atlantic stated that STEM classes had to be put at the top of the class, because it is one of those skills that is needed in society today. According to Barack Obama, he has issued a bill, raising more money for faster internet in public schools.

This in a way can go chronologically as well. We need internet first, then we need the education, and then, as stated in the middle article, was the losening of fear of college admission. This all connects in the fact of success, by making education not something to despise, but to feel safe, comfortable, and confident in.