Monday, February 16, 2015

Monday Matters #23

Which is more factual?

Many of us might either lean to the left or right of the American political spectrum, but both sides seem to exaggerate their own opinions on certain issues.

In the conservative news, muslims are seen as a dangerous religion, in which tolerance and a resolution is almost impossible. This might be more opinionated more than usual. But one has to admit that Islam has not been a peaceful faith as a whole for the past 1500 years.

The liberal media seems to defend the 'peaceful' Islam as a separate faith from the ISIS extremist Islam. They mention scripture from the Q'uaran, and show how unfaithful ISIS is acting.

However, both sides are flawed. Not all muslims are bad. And no, there are a lot of books in the Koran that say it is ok to 'cleanse' the infidels. So ultimately, none are more factual!! 

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